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10 more!

April 14th, 2006 at 01:37 pm

I was telling one of the Mom's who brings her DS to playgroup about my "car deals" and she said she was going to go after the Lowes card. She also said she got a 10 dollar card to Tractor Supply in the mail and didn't shop there. She gave it to me and we got a 50 # bag of bird seed for free. DS2 can't wait to feed the birds. We picked up stuff for the road at Aldi's which cost but not as much as stopping for food would. I sold two books at half in the last two days. I thought I was done selling books since I hadn't sold any in a couple weeks. I have to put my stuff in vacation mode before I leave.

1 Responses to “10 more!”

  1. carol Says:

    Congratulations on selling more books. Hope things continue to do well for you.

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