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I guess I am crazier than I thought.

January 27th, 2008 at 10:38 pm

When we moved to Wisconsin I made several comments as to the absolutely impossibility of my ever ever ever doing what the natives did and walking on the lake or river. No I don't live among intensely faithful, we're not up to Peter's caliber here, it freezes pretty solid in the winter as I am sure it does other places. I have never lived anywhere that people could walk on the ice on a regular basis and not need 911. I have been in awe of the trucks, 4 wheelers, and people sitting on upturned buckets every winter, not to mention the ice houses with smoke coming from the chimney. Even if I were crazy enough to walk on the ice, I wouldn't sit with it heated around me! Today i was reading the paper and found that they were cutting ice for the local historic farm and that we could watch. They were also having an ice fishing contest. The first challenge was finding stuff to keep the kids warm since they had been out "swimming" in the snow and everything was soaked. After I hurdled that challenge my DH pointed out that to see them cut ice you had walk out to where they were cutting the ice. I hadn't thought of that and what I said wasn't very nice but I was committed then because I had gotten the kids excited about doing it. We drove out to the Lake and I had to concentrate on keeping my 4 year old upright as well as myself and didn't realize where I was until DH said, "Look kids, we're walking on the Lake" Thanks Hon!We walked out and saw them cut. It was really cool. DS2 and DD2 got to try to saw a block (not near the water, Mom wasn't that secure) and we brought home a small piece of ice to show. We're going to try to find some sawdust and pack it away till next summer.

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