Viewing the 'Thoughts' Category
February 25th, 2007 at 03:04 am
That would be my face.
The right side of my face is quite a bit larger than the other side. I have had this problem for about 24 hours now. Late Friday afternoon I realized my mouth was on fire. In fact the pain started and soared to new hites faster than I could imagine. I was in so much pain that i was ill. I couldn't cope with anything. My darling DS2 tried to make Mom feel better by bouncing up an ddown on her while I lay as still as possible hoping she could retain stomach contents. I was successful, but his methods weren't. I stayed in pain in spite of severla tylenol. My Pastor's wife suggest advil which i promptly begged DH to go get and to take the bouncer with him. He agreed and she was right I was able to get some sleep that night. Bright and early I went dentist hunting and discovered that I should be encouraging DS2 to become one, after all they get every weekend off and work short hours the rest of the time (apologies to any dentists out there) So it is now Saturday evening and my face is quite lopsided. I am in pain and have been all day, although it was much better once the swelling started. I just hope the swelling stops soon since I have to get up in front of the entire church tomorrow morning. I suggested I just tell them my husband has a great right hook but he frowned at that thought. He also informed me it would have to be a left. I told him that would make it funnier but he still said NO in no uncertain terms. I figure I'll take so much grief from my 56 graders before church that the laughter of the rest of the congregation shouldn't faze me abit. Actually I'd rather they l.augh than cringe, I do enough of that if i happen to forge to avoid the mirrors.
Posted in
February 20th, 2007 at 02:19 pm
I was made a moderator on another site. I was and am delighted with the trust and started checking every morning for posts. Two days ago I found a couple of awful posts and deleted them shaking my head at how sick people can be. Today I found a whole bunch more. Does anyone really want to look at teens going to the bathroom? At least that is what it said the posts were. Needless to say I didn't check on the validity of the topic name, just got rid of them. They wrote it in smutty terms too. I am amazed. Is there that stuff on all forums? Does some poor sole have to check this one too? Wow with that many forums it must be a job and a half. I am still glad I am a moderator but am going to be even more diligent since I know that there are a couple kids that frequent that other site. I think I'll check morning and night after this.
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February 15th, 2007 at 03:36 am
About 8 years ago I found a fantastic friend. Created obviously with me in mind. We could make awesome things together and spent many many hours happily working. This past couple weeks have been rough because I found out her problem is terminal. I can't imagine my day without her sitting there waiting for me. I can't imagine how I will fill the hole left behind. When my DH and I went job hunting across the country for 6 weeks living in a car she was only second to the dog in importance. The beloved object is my sewing machine. I am trying so hard to be grateful that I have a backup but oh it is so hard. DH asked why and I offered to let him do his work on a TRS-80 Model I (He is a lead systems analyst) He understood that analogy quite well and began trying to figure out how to get me a new machine. I don't want a new one, they cost several thousand dollars, I want that one. The company tells me the component board is no longer made and that when the LED screen goes out it will not be fixable (was getting rather hard to see what stitch I was choosing) but I want that machine!!! It and I have been through alot! DH and I lived out of a suitcase and the sewing machine was the second thing packed (first the dog, then the machine then the coffee pot. clothes came in 4th.) Oh well time to "build a bridge and get over it!!"
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February 14th, 2007 at 09:24 pm
I'm on it No doubt about this. i am supposed to be the one torturing (I mean teaching) students with work and tests and the like. Instead I am slaving away every day at someone elses idea of torture (I mean teaching). I am taking the last class I need to get my Masters of Divinity (M Div) I am enrolled at a Wesleyan college long distance. I have about a dozen more classes to take through them to get ordained as a Wesleyan minister (and a bunch of other hoops of course). The cool thing is that this course will count at my old school so I can get my M Div as soon as I write a thesis. The class is probably the most time consuming one I have ever taken but at least it isn't busy work. Now if I just knew what my thesis could be on, maybe I can do one on Finances and quote this site from time to time. At any rate at least I am once again on my way after a few years off. I am grateful this school counted 12 of my classes from th eother school so I only have 12 more to take and I hope to reduce that further when I get my undergrad transcript to them.
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February 13th, 2007 at 10:17 pm
Not the kind that squeeks the kind that moves a curser. My son has learned to use one during the time we were trying to get sound on his computer. Now he can use his programs all by himself. Needless to say I took pictures and will sigh over them multiple times. Now if we could just get sound on my computer!!!
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February 4th, 2007 at 03:29 am
I'm not happy about it but I am slowing down for a short time (short SHORT) so that I can recover from this stupid bout of pneumonia I have contracted. I even went to the DR when it was early stages for a script so that it won't hold me up for long. Hopefully this will be over when the pills are gone in 10 days. I had double trouble when the kids were younger and almost died so am a little careful since to not let it get that bad.
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January 30th, 2007 at 03:06 am
I have a horrible cold. The only good part of this is my son is learning about germs. He made the connection that he caught one from the kids in GA and Daddy caught one from him and I caught one from Daddy. He asked me about the little things on me that gave people colds. Today I didn't have to remind him to wash his hands, i fact he went and got his stool so he could reach when I was on the couch hoping to not move for at least 20 minutes. I tried lying on the couch figured it was close enough to be "with" him and watch that he was safe as he played, close enough to know when the dog wanted to go out, and could get drinks, food or what ever was needed by my little one. What I didnt' realize was that the dog wanted to be with me as did said child. Our couch which is really a loveseat got very crowded and I got very little rest. I did feel very loved though. At nap time I tried to lay down upstairs. The dog forced himself past the gate at the bottom of the stairs and came up to his "room" (where we lock him in if we are gone) and stayed there, the cat crawled up on me and proceeded to have an argument with me on where she should be allowed to rest. She wanted on my head and I was having none of that. I won (barely). DS2 was in his room sleeping so I had a bit more room and a bit more rest. When he woke up he asked why the dog was locked up. I got up and looked and he was forlornly resting his head on the low dresser we use to block her off (it wasn't in place to block her off she had free run of the house) DS2 came into bed with me to play with the cat and the dog stayed where he was until we went downstairs. I couldn't believe it.
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January 27th, 2007 at 11:44 pm
That is how I feel, Yucky Yucky Yucky and did I mention I don't feel good? Ah well now that I have that said I will go back to doing the things I always do. I have never understood how some people are able to call off sick. My DS2 just says Oh when I tell him I don't feel good then asks for whatever he needs to do again. The dog is even less understanding. He wants to be brushed, fed, walked, go out, eat the cat, etc no matter how I feel. The cat is willing to curl up with me but looks quite indignant when I hav eto get up to go fix dinner or reach a toy or... Somehow that paid sick day thing is nebulous to me, maybe because my work days aren't paid?
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January 19th, 2007 at 04:32 pm
yeah right! She showed up with lots of makeup on and proceeded to set in front of me cotton balls, mascara wand, makeup sponge, and cloth. When she held a color chart up to my face to see what color it was I reminded her that I don't wear makeup. She said I know and proceeded to tell me what color foundation I would wear. I said, foundation is makeup and I don't wear makeup. I said it very mildly and politely. She said but that's what I do! I looked at her and said, "I warned you on the phone I don't wear makeup and you told me you mainly did skin care. I have dry skin and that is why I let you come over." She said (again), "Then you don't want to do all the makeup?" I said, "No what do you have for dry skin?" She showed me a multi step process that made my face feel like a tight drum skin (yuck) and I asked how much the moisterizer was. She told me they had a great tinted one. I had the feeling at that point that I had lapsed into Greek or some other language. I looked at her and she was serious. I repeated the no makeup thing and she finally looked up the price of the stuff. It was $22.00!!!!!! I
said , "So with the $15.00 you told me I had that makes it $7.00?" She told me the $15.00 wasn't for makeup. I told her there was no way I could justify paying $22.00 for a moisturizer. Thinking, I can get better cheaper, alot cheaper. She said thank you and went to her car for my gift cards. I got 3 $5.00 gift cards for the bagel place. Not bad for a few minutes of frustration. I was honest with her but maybe she didn't understand that no makeup meant none?
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January 19th, 2007 at 02:32 pm
Several weeks ago I dropped my name into a fishbowl at a bagel place for some stupid drawing or other. I must not have realized what the company was that had put it there. They called yesterday it seems I won the "grand prize" This consists of a total make over and 15 dollars in product from a local home party makeup consultant. When she told me I started laughing. I don't wear makeup. My DH considers it a waste of money (I'm old, can't change what that looks like I guess) I told her I don't wear the stuff and she said that's OK I don't really sell the make up I sell the skin care line. So today at 10 AM I am going to spend $15 of someone else's money on a moisturizer. My skin is super dry, too much astringent when I was a teen I guess. I am looking forward to seeing just how much makeup she doesn't wear when she gets here! After all why go into that line if you didn't have some experience with it?
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January 19th, 2007 at 03:10 am
I have spent today unpacking boxes. I had 3 stacks of boxes waiting for my DH when he came home. He carries the empties to the garage for recycling or saving. During his men's Bible study I unpacked another 2 stacks upstairs in the library. My back hates me right now and I have really had it for the day. My DS2 was very helpful in the morning when I was working and played happily most of the time I did the last two. But I really wasn't up to his running full tilt around after we were done. My DH took pity on me and is reaidng bedtime stories while I veg out in front of the computer for a few minutes. I was really on a roll but I misjudged th esize of a table and ended up with one a foot too long so I can either block a foot of a doorway (it's an arched double doorway) or block a ft of window at the other part of the L. I haven't decided what to do yet. My brain is fried right now so I will wait until another day for the big decision. Anyway I don't plan on being quite so industrious tomorrow but I may get a couple more done.
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January 16th, 2007 at 04:03 am
The cat sat on my lap and I reached out and pulled over a skinny piece of paper to play (torture) her with. She happily grabbed at it with teeth and claws until the large german sheperd that lives here came over and proceeded to do the same thing (teeth not claws) It was a riot. Both of them different species doing the exact same thing. The really bad thing is the dog was better at it than the cat. The cat was smart enough tho to realize if she caught it and then let go I would make it do that wonderful thing again (move) The dog just hung on until I pried his jaws apart and removed it by force. So my question I swas th edog acting like a cat or was the cat acting like a dog? As I type this both are playing under the feet of the blanket my DH is wrapped in. I wonder how he gets any reading done with them doing that!
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January 15th, 2007 at 02:39 pm
I am being stalked on a daily basis. I never know what corner to be wary of or when the shadows are hiding a lurking form ready to reach out and grab me. My kitten (the one I am allergic to) has discovered the safest place to hide from the dog is under my skirt. I wear skirts all the time, no pants or jeans in my closet. When I wear them ankle length that is fine but when it is only calf length I have a problem. I also have blood dripping down my legs alot! She tends to try to climb into my lap and she is still pretty littel and I am pretty tall. Result is her claws into my skin. She is sweet. She really is, but at night she sleeps as close to my head as I will let her. Her preference is on my head but I have limits. She tends to wait until I am asleep to make her move of course. Then if I don't move her to a better place to sleep (in my opinion) she takes pieces of my hair in her mouth and pulls until I am tempted to see if she really will land on her feet! She has discovered that on weekends nothing she does will get me up out of bed at the time she prefers (before 6 AM) so she goes to my DH room and plays outside his door until she wakes him up. That of course has the desired effect (at least hers) She tries the same trick at night to get me to go upstairs in the hopes I will go to bed so she can curl up on or near my head and ....
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January 14th, 2007 at 10:19 pm
I was amazed that an old lady like me could move as fast as I did this morning when my DS2 looked at me in church and said"I need to throw up in the potty" He was in my arms because I knew he was a bit under the weather from catching a cold from our GK while in GA but didn't expect this. I ran for the foyer bathroom and someone was in it. I turned 90 degrees and ran for the crying room bathroom which thankfully was empty. I even had time to think as I ran what an awesome 3 year old he is to tell me. He didn't "frow up" but gagged a bit. I poked my head out of the room and found our pastor's eyes glued to the door he went and found DH and we went home. DS2 ate lunch and has been sleeping ever since. Unfortunately that means he will be up late but he needs the rest right now and I can probably stand to be up a bit tonight with him.
Our grandkids are awesome and we didn't get nearly enough time to hold, hug and spoil as I would have liked but at least we got to do a couple fun things with them.
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December 28th, 2006 at 09:54 pm
The title really says it all, I am cold (heat down to 62 right now which is 2 up from usual) tired, DS2 getting up way to early due to disrupted routine and tired fo feeling that way! in other words I am whining! To top it off I still have boxes and I haven't unpacked any of them today. I have to go to the old house and finish cleaning it so we can get out deposit back. Did I mention I was tired?
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December 27th, 2006 at 01:39 pm
Our LS surprised us intensely. He got married in Las Vegas this month! I think this girl is good for him, he has stopped telling us how unhealthy we eat and started asking for cheese and crackers. He's becoming Americanized! He's still slim and healthy but has given up the protien bars are better than real food attitude. Of course he was horrified when he found out we are Vegetarians but has gallently tried each pseudo meat dish I have presented him with. I in turn has kindly granted him one meat meal a day (yesterday I bought him KFC) We just don't let him eat it around DS2!! Brian i sa bit evangelistic in his no meat routine, he tells people that is is killing animals and he doesn't want to do that. I have to work on that before we go see grandchildren or my kids will kill me!!!!
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December 27th, 2006 at 01:33 pm
This morning my day started very early! My DS2 was up before the birds asking to get in our bed. This is rather unusaul but it has been busy lately and his routine is obliderated. Our loaner son i sstaying here for a few days and is sleeping in his room so he is on a mattress on our floor. I let him come in and he proceeded to cry and beg me to get up and cuddle him. I finally got him to explain that he dreamed he'd "fallen down the stairs and broken his body" Since then he has happily gone up and down them a few times but boy it was early!!! Maybe that means an early nap? Of course not nor Mom since by then LS will be awake but I can dream!
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December 26th, 2006 at 10:02 pm
I got a present on Christmas Eve that was totally unexpected. Our "loaner son" called and said he wanted to spend vacation with us. He got on a bus very early the next morning and arrived in the next town (2 hour drive) around 7 PM. It was wonderful to see him after a year and a half. Our DS2 was overjoyed to see his "big brother" again. My DIL called and had all the kids yell Merry Christmas to us which was wonderful and we called our DD that afternoon and got to talk to 2 of the GKs. We'll go see them shortly after the new year. I can hardly wait. I love where we live and am delighted that we've found a nice church family but oh I miss my kids and grandkids. However, this is where the Lord provided a job so here we must stay.
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December 22nd, 2006 at 08:46 pm
WE have been in the new house for 6 days and I am still not unpacked. OK OK I can see some of you are laughing your heads off at that statement, as would I be if it weren't me making it. One of the boxes we moved had never been unpacked in the old house ( 3 years there) But this is different (no I don't know how but it is!) The first 24 hours I had DS2's room done, DH and I done (clothes in boxes, don't own a dresser), th eplayroom done an dth eliving room done (boxes in corner by stairs to go somewhere else. So I only have the dining room , kitchen and library plus a couple cupboards and curtains to make. 4 days later I still have to finish the kitchen (lots is done now) dining room (again some done) and the library (one bookcase done) WE won't discuss the cupboards or curtains. I am frustrated. DH is making progress in finishing moving everything out of the old house and I realize that is part of my problem, I no sooner get a pile of boxes finished than he goes and puts more in the same spot. DS2 being up all night vomiting didn't help. The problem has altered, now he's got a GI problem. Not sure which is worse but he thinks vomiting is yucky with a capitol Y, and he doesn't have to clean up after himself. This is not a good time of year to move, I still can't find the Christmas cards, they'll be very late. They are or were ready to go until the move. I thought I marked that box! I did find almost all of the Christmas stuff. I can't find DS1's present but have until th e5th of January to locate it. Hopefully we will have a nice neat house by then. I am also frustrated by our finances. WE will be ahead but not for awhile. Buying this place and having to replace the van in the same 4 days almost depleted our EF since we had to do a bit of fixing up but it increased our net worth since we have home equity now. The car has one more payment after the scheduled one and then we can sell it so we are hoping to be ahead after we pay for our trip East to see grandkids. It will be shorter than usual this time which we both hate but at least we'll get to see them for a bit. Only 24 to 30 hours at each house though.
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December 22nd, 2006 at 05:31 am
My little one just told me it is yucky to throw up. He's right. It's also yucky to clean up after said experience! Hopefully this is the last time tonight (2 episodes both quite well.... yucky) anyway I love to cuddle him but wish it was for a different reason!
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December 15th, 2006 at 09:08 pm
DH stayed home today to help pack. i have lots more to do and a little one sleeping so I am afraid to do it. Actually I have 2 sleeping, DH and DS2. Oh Well, guess it'll get done. Thank God we aren't going far, whatever doesn't get packed can be done next week, and I can clean this place then also.
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December 14th, 2006 at 07:55 pm
I feel like I've been packing for months!! Actually I have been packing for 2 months! I am planning on finishing on Friday (tomorrow) and the big move is on Saturday. I have been budgetting what we can fix now and what has to wait. So far paint is waiting even though it is relatively cheap. We had to fix windows (so far almost 200) and plumbing (500) and get curtain material (150) I have to see how much more the windows will cost for screens and labor but then can rebudget and save for rugs and paint to make it look better. WE are being careful to not use credit cards to get done NOW. WE'd rather wait and do it a bit at a time. For the trip East we plan on making a list of what we need and prioritizing it so we know how much to save each month. I figure my kitchen makeover will be in a few years since I plan to do the whole thing from floor to cabinets to appliances all over.
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December 12th, 2006 at 03:45 pm
I keep trying to think potential. I have a clean OK I have a dirty slate to work with. First I clean the house, then I clean it again. Then I get busy making it our house. Unfortunately all I can see right now is the dirt and all I can think about is how on earth I will get everything done. My pressure is soaring. My boxes are still unpacked and I am drowning in things to do.
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December 11th, 2006 at 11:45 pm
We are now homeowners (again for me 1st times for DH. We hit a small snag when doing paperwork but it all worked out in the end. Now all I have to do is clean it (yuck) and paint and do windows in several rooms and sew curtains and buy/install rugs and make a bannister and decorate and get dressers (rental had built ins) and replace 2 toilets and replace the shower mechanism and fence the yard and... and... Does it ever stop? We will be doing a little at a time since we are now broke! I can't believe we bought a van on Friday and a house on Monday. This has been an interesting week an dI refuse to add to the forum on "what did you spend today" today!!!!
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December 7th, 2006 at 10:31 pm
Today the stove that I have been putting up with until we move did the unforgivable. It set off the CO alarm. For months we have been working around the problem that it heated up slowly and not to the temperature you wanted while permeating the house with the intense smell of gas but this is too much. Finally the realtor we rent form agreed with me that we need a new one and they'll work on it. in the meantime I am haivng a dinner party for 13 people tomorrow. NOw What? Anyone know how to cook lasagna in a westinghouse roaster?
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December 2nd, 2006 at 08:15 pm
Today DS2 and I went to the dollar store for a stocking to send to one of DH coworkers that is stationed in Kuwait. WE found some fun stuff to put in it and when he gets up from nap will get it ready to mail. I should be packing but am not sure where to start. DH is still sick and is watching a movie in bed on his laptop. Oh well if I pack something I need in th enext few weeks I will deal I guess I always do.
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December 2nd, 2006 at 03:01 pm
Yesterday I packed all kinds of stuff into Avon boxes a friend had given me. I feel like I haven't made a dent in the stuff around the house. This is tough. What can I pack and live without between now and two weeks from now? Wait, it isn't 2 anymore. we actually close on the 11th that's a week from Monday. We move on the 16th. Hopefully I'll be packed by then but if not we can keep at it the house is our responcibility until the end of the month unless they rent it earlier. Expenses related to this are over whelming right now especially when I consider our trip coming up in January. Oh well I guess we'll make it, we always do.
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November 28th, 2006 at 10:23 pm
Tomorrow I am calling the mortgage company to see if there is anything we can do to get this going. I feel like I am spinning my wheels. I am not sure if I shold pack or not. If I start, where do I start, we need to live until closing and maybe until we find another place. The date on the contract is only 13 days away. Then we need to fix windows (assuming the money is still there to do that) and clean th eplace top to bottom. Not to mention check the plumbing. I also have to decide what if anything to put out for Christmas decorations here and what to not see for a year (I hate that idea, Thanksgiving was a bummer I'd hate to make Christmas that as well)
On another note we found a cool exercise thing. We bought a dance pad and hooked it up to the laptop. It was a valid expense since I can't sell what I haven't shown very well, and I got 50% off of it. We took it to the mall show I set up at on Saturday and had a blast. It plays Veggie Tale tunes (silly songs mostly) and you have to keep up with the directional arrows by stepping on them as they fall down the screen. It has 4 levels and believe me they get harder. The medium is just my speed. It also have an exercise mode that just keeps going and a sing along part as well. We had a blast! My DH is 6'5'' and was dancing at the mall having a great time. He is alot of fun to have around. We let the kids try it and they had a blast too. We decided we'd rather do this than walk on the tread mill!
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November 22nd, 2006 at 01:57 pm
I'm crazy, certifieable now! WE bought our dog a Christmas present yesterday........... a cat. She is tiny but won't stay that way I'm sure. She is siamese/persian and absolutely adorable. I'm a dog person what am I saying? Her blue eyes are looking up at me as I type this. Her fur is perpetually wet thanks to the tongue (bigger than her head) connected to the canine in residence. She will curl up on my lap and that big nose comes over and as soon as it touches her she starts sounding like a percolator. She is having trouble navigating around the house because both the dog and DS2 think she is too little to be on her own and are constantly "helping" her around. We got her at the shelter. I figured if we didn't go now Christmas would wipe them out. I had promised DS2 a kitten when we moved.
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November 21st, 2006 at 04:25 am
Thank you to all who prayed for my pastor. He returned home this evening. He was able to eat today (first time in 3 days) and we are thankful to have him back in the states. He is supposed to preach at the Thanksgivng service tomorrow evening, which should be interesting. Anyway I appreciate the prayers. I was terrified I would hav eto explain the unthinkable to our DS2 who adores him.
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