March 9th, 2006 at 02:53 pm
My son in law is awesome!! He tried to instant message me on my birthday! Instant messaging in any form lasts about a week on this old computer and then it blows it up for two weeks so I gave up trying after my DS got back from Iraq. When he couldn't get me he tried this forum but I wasn't on yet then he left a message after I finally got on. I am sooo blessed to have a SIL that is thoughtful. Thanks DD for marrying the right one! Today I try paying bills online! for free!!! no more postage for bills!
Posted in
March 7th, 2006 at 09:47 pm
I did it! I turned 50 today. My DGS (one of them) sang to me on the phone, my husband took me to pizza buffet for lunch and showed up with 12 red roses, my DDIL called and so did my eldest sister. All in all a great day and there are still cards and packages to open tonight! The lady at the restaurant told me I don't look 50 and I said that is because a 2 year old calls me Mommy! I refuse to think about my weight or my finances until tomorrow (although I did check to see if the IRS came through yet, they didn't)
Posted in
March 6th, 2006 at 02:06 pm
Got on the IRS check your refund page today and they say ours will be here by next Tuesday. Hurray!!! We have been pretty good about not spending money although my DH did bring home a pizza last night. Only 6 dollars. He had gone out to shovel our Pastors driveway because he is in Russia and his wife can't do it. During Lent we don't eat any meat so an occasional pizza saves our sanity! No I'm not saying vegetarians are insane, I'm just not used to cooking that way and we eat alot of eggs and mac n cheese! The hardest part for us is waiting. We have rearranged the house so that DS2's toys are in the living room because we didn't want to wait until his sibling(s) arrive to do it. He likes it that wasy but now we don't know what to do next. If we knew how many or what gender it would help. Ah well, the Lord knows and we'll wait on him.
Posted in
February 24th, 2006 at 08:49 pm
DS2 is finally back to himself, not perfect but neither are we. Thanks to all who commented and gave advice. I don't want another week like that again for awhile. We finally got the SSN and can file taxes. That is our project for the day. I was going to open an ING account for him off of our account but it says we can't refer anyone. Guess I'll have to find out what is up with that before we can proceed.
Posted in
February 21st, 2006 at 06:21 pm
It is Tuesday. DS2 is still sick. Two more days and it will be a week. He is doing better, eating little bits and drinking alot. Everything seems to go right through him though. I know it's a virus and just has to run it's course but in the meantime I am slowly going nuts. I don't know who this whiny kid is and I want my sunny little boy back!!
Posted in
February 19th, 2006 at 04:28 pm
My DS2 is back to a normal temp (for him) and he is actually playing (as opposed to cuddling in my lap for the entire day) I enjoy holding my son but when he doesn't even have the energy to "play blocks" I worry! Talked to DS1 and he and his family are considering a trip in the spring. It would be wonderful to go with them. I'm going to try to see if DD and her family can go to and then all my grandkids can finally meet my sisters and brother. It would be the best birthday present I can think of (my birthday is the month before as is my DH) Maybe the latest little GS could be dedicated then too. I know they won't let me do it but at least we could be there.
Posted in
February 17th, 2006 at 05:10 pm
I hate it when my kids are sick. There is no feeling worse in the world than helplessly watching a little one suffer through something you can't kiss and make better. My DS2 has some sort of intestinal bug and he is so sweet about it. He lays in my lap or watches veggie tales. I remember holding my first two when they were sick. I hated it just as much then. I'd rather be sick than see them suffer. Doesn't change as they get older my DD has a cold/ear infection and I'd much rather it was me than her. He is napping now (early but I don't blame him since we didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. I was too busy running the washer and changing his bed and him)
Posted in
February 15th, 2006 at 06:44 pm
OK, What's a category? I'm going to be brave and try it without help. I figure it will mess this up thoroughly. Today is the 15th. I think that is the day half puts money into my account so I can put it into the house fund. I realize it doesn't clear for awhile so I won't record it till it does. Today should be a no spend day for me but DH has to get paper trainers (We only use them when sleeping. DS2 still isn't dry every morning only 1 out of 4 or 5.) He said he is going to get soda too. We limit consumption of it radically now. It will be interesting to see what he brings home. Usually he has something he is sure we "needed" We are once again losing weight, slowly and practically this time. Today is the 10th business day since DH applied for DS2 SS card. We can hardly wait. I've never checked the mail this often!
Posted in
February 10th, 2006 at 02:32 pm
I put 30 books on half yesterday at nap time. I sold one today. Still waiting for the SS number. The clock is ticking very slowly on that one!
My goals for next week, Finish listing all the books half will let me (some ISBN's aren't on there) 2. List the rest on ebay along with some stuff I have put away for that. 3. Open the ing account 4. Open an account for DS2 for college with money his grandmother gave him.
I found 2 shirts for $1.00 that will be great for him next winter.
We're having the Pastor and his wife over for dinner tonght. DH review is on Monday.
Posted in
February 7th, 2006 at 04:00 pm
I sold another book. I tried to put 10 on again this morning but only 6 "took" I am going to wait until I have worked through the whole stack and then put the rest on ebay. I tried to list my Left Behind books (I have them all) on half but they are only selling for .75 per hardback so I am going to wait. I'd make more at a garage sale selling the set. I have been turning the lights off all over the house in the hopes that the bill will go down. We are still waiting for the SS number for DS2 so we can file taxes and pay off cards. As soon as I get that I will open an ing account for the down payment on the house someday. Then I can put numbers in this blog.
Posted in
February 5th, 2006 at 02:11 pm
I thought I wold be efficient and put 10 books on half a day until they are all on. This morning my DH picked out 10 only 6 of them were accepted. I have found that a couple everyday are unnone to them. All but one are from my Pastor's library. I am going to take pictures of a couple antiques we have and offer them to a local shop and see what they say. They are on the list of things we won't be taking when we move so the money would be better in my house fund.
Posted in
February 3rd, 2006 at 08:33 pm
Today I put several more books on half and a couple auctions on ebay. I am looking forward to seeing how this goes. So far have sold one book. I got more than i would have if I garage saled it. We are anxiously awaiting the SS # for our little one so we can file taxes. We will only have cars to pay after that. Unfortunately we rent so no mortgage. We are talking about moving. DH has an interview locally on Tuesday. WE prayed that God would open this door or close, no unsure stuff so we will know whether to start packing or not.
Posted in
February 1st, 2006 at 08:14 pm
Yesterday we applied for DS#2's SS # so we can file taxes. Should take about 2 weeks. I did the state taxes and we are getting some back there too. I can hardly wait to file so we can pay off the CC bills. My DH wants to spend some on a "surprise" for me because I have a "big" birthday coming up but I'll talk him out of it. I went through about half the books last night and we are getting rid of about half of those. I listed 5 on today so will see where that goes. I usually use ebay but this sounds like a better deal. I want to start the 20.00 challenge but don't have ideas what to do beside my usual ebay thing. Carefully dumped my change yesterday and then go to Aldi's today and didn't have a quarter for the cart! It's a little hard to shop holding a toddler's hand and carrying groceries.
Posted in
January 27th, 2006 at 02:19 pm
Hey, I'm moving up in the world. I'm in first grade now. This is an interesting site. Yesterday was grocery day. I have decided to empty the cupboards (by using the stuff) before we get anything that isn't absolutely vital. We are planning a move in the (hopefully) near future and that means less to pack. It also means more we can pay on the CC. DH is looking for a new position preferable closer to our family.
Posted in
January 26th, 2006 at 07:43 pm
OK, I understand a bit more of what I'm doing on this site thanks to my DD. And I have stumbled over a few other answers myself. I started my first thread and added a couple posts. I even figured out how to add to my journal/blog. That took the longest. On a down note I somwhow deleted my challenge email that I was sooo looking forward to perusing later.
Posted in
January 25th, 2006 at 04:05 am
I've been hearing about this site for quite awhile. So I decided to try it and see if it helped us save. I am looking for a short blurb explaining how the site works. I suppose the best way to find out is just to start. So far it is a bit overwhelming to try to jump in. The savings comments seem great though.
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