Home > Day 3

Day 3

December 7th, 2007 at 06:51 pm

Last night we didn't have time to do a craft or an activity because we had to get dog food and DH had a phone interview for a new job (90 minutes, I think they like him!) It was supposed to have been playgroup day anyway (cancelled due to my two having coughs) So we lit the candles with the prayers and quized the oldest to see if he remembered the Hanukkah story. Then we gave gifts. DH got tow shirts that he needs, I got a flag (he promises to put up the pole) and the kids got a fun costume and an outfit. Both of them have Veggie Tales on their outfit so they were delighted. Our 4 year old got a space shuttle costume that you blow up and it fits around him. Our 2yr old got a butterfly cape and hat. They danced or should I say flew around the house for the rest of the night.

1 Responses to “Day 3”

  1. baselle Says:

    Good luck with the interview. I agree, the longer the interview is the better it went.

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