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Day 8

December 12th, 2007 at 02:25 pm

Today was OK, We delivered the cookies we had baked yesterday to 3 families and DH took a set in to work with him for the guys. WE lit the candles for the last time and said the prayers. WE gave the last present. I had planned on this being a big present. DH got the snowshoes, poles and goggles he has been coveting for a year and was delighted. I got a shofar that no animal was harmed in the making of. DS2 got a race track that has remote cars on it. DD2 got a first dollhouse with a family and some furniture (she is getting the rest of the furniture for her birthday next month). Everyone was delighted and had fun playing. They went to bed on time and well too so Mom was pretty pleased.

Day 7

December 12th, 2007 at 02:21 pm

Last night was pretty awful. WE made cookies out of pie dough and sprinkled them with cinnamen and sugar. We used my candle cookie cutter and made enough to give away 4 menorahs. That part was fine. We did the candles and prayers, that was fine too. Then we got to the gifts. I gave DH a robe. He needed one very badly and I had found it on sale at a tall shop. He was very pleased. He gave me a montage frame. I use them alot. WE gave DS2 a veggie tale toy and DD2 a set with a crib, stroller, high chair etc we had picked up at a school closing for a song. The kids were delighted and played happily. Then the bad part came. We got DD2 ready for bed as usual and warned DS2 that his time was coming. As she got her story I told him to start cleaning up and he had an all out fit any 2 year old would be impressed by. The problem is that he is 4. I took the toy and it was an hour before he was calm enough to leave in his room. He didn't fall asleep until almost 11 that night because he was so upset his stomach and head hurt. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep either. He has always known that the toy will be there in the morning to play with and while sometimes he grumbles he's never done this before. Needless to say the toy was removed for a period of time (and almost thrown away). I don't know what it was but yesterday was awful. He had had a screaming fit in a restaurant that lunchtime over ice cream too. He didn't get the ice cream and we left rather quickly.

Day 6

December 10th, 2007 at 02:03 pm

Last night we started a tradition that I hope to continue every month from now on. We went to a Nursing Home to visit with people. We gave out the hearts that they made the first night. I loved the one persons comment, seeing them is better than a pill! I ignored the comment "look one of them is even black" I don't know if it was a comment on a mixed family or a negative remark. I choose to believe it was said in love. After we got home and did the candle thing we opened presents. Our son now knows the story of the miracle of lights letter perfect and we will start him learning the prayers next year so he can participate more. Presents were a bit bigger, I gave DH a set of containers for geocaching that he wanted and a t shirt I painted for him. DS2 got a robot. It is a small one but he is delighted. DD2 got a doll. It is the "child's first doll" so is easy to dress, and hold. They were all delighted.

Day 5

December 9th, 2007 at 03:22 pm

Last night we spent time with friends to celebrate Jesus. The adults played games, including a new variation on scrabble that went fast and was fun. The kids played. Our 4 yr old played with a toy that he loves and it was fun to see his delight because he doesn't know that one very very similiar is waiting for the 8th night to become his. For gifts we had the kids give theirs to us and to each other. They made their Dad long sleeved t-shirts to go geocaching and waymarking in. They each drew a map to a "cache" on it. I wrote their names and the date as well. For me they had made a garden stone with their handprints and names and some pretty plastic things. She gave her brother a remote control truck (he has been lusting after a remote control thing for months) and he gave her a backpack that looks like Bob form Veggie Tales. He has a Larry one so they look cool together. The backpacks were the first thing they played with this morning after they came downstairs. What I am delighted with is that I have to remind them about the chocolate menorah each morning. They aren't desperate to get the candy.

Day 4

December 8th, 2007 at 10:34 pm

Last night was fun we made cards with menorahs, dreidals, an 6 pointed stars on them. They also said Happy Hanukkah. After that we gave books. I gave DH a subscription to Readers Digest and an electronic KaKuro game since he has a hard time writing with the brace on his hand. He gave me a copy of a book that I read as a child an dwant to read to my youngest two, Smiling Hill Farm. We gave the kids some books that teach good morals and ethics from Biblical standpoint. It was fun but Mom was hoarse afterwards from reading lots of books.

Day 3

December 7th, 2007 at 06:51 pm

Last night we didn't have time to do a craft or an activity because we had to get dog food and DH had a phone interview for a new job (90 minutes, I think they like him!) It was supposed to have been playgroup day anyway (cancelled due to my two having coughs) So we lit the candles with the prayers and quized the oldest to see if he remembered the Hanukkah story. Then we gave gifts. DH got tow shirts that he needs, I got a flag (he promises to put up the pole) and the kids got a fun costume and an outfit. Both of them have Veggie Tales on their outfit so they were delighted. Our 4 year old got a space shuttle costume that you blow up and it fits around him. Our 2yr old got a butterfly cape and hat. They danced or should I say flew around the house for the rest of the night.

Day 2

December 6th, 2007 at 07:41 pm

Last night was fun. We gave up on the candles getting here (they arrived today) and bought votives to use. Oh well at least we won't go through this next year. We lined our votives up in front of the Menorah and began on more traditions. We put together a bag for DH boss. We gave him cookies and coffee. Last night we gave our presents before activities. We are keeping it simple and so gave each child a mug. The cool thing was that they each had a picture of Larry boy (veggie tales hero) on them. The incredible delight on their faces was wonderful. I have never seen anyone so excited by a mug before. In each was 10 small pieces of candy (sweettarts) that they could use to play the Dreidal game. The one I had ordered for the family didn't show up in time but we had a couple small ones that we used. The kids had fun spinning (or trying to) the top and we're very content when they ran out of candy. We then put the candy in front of each and let them trade till they had what they wanted and let them eat it. They have never had that much at once before so it was amazing to them. This morning we again had an unusual breakfast (poptarts) since it is a holiday and opened the second cardboard candle. After school today they made a paper menorah and glued it onto a big piece of paper. I got a little ahead of myself because I forgot we had to give DD2 social worker (till adoption is finalized) her gift today since we won't see her until late January now bu that's ok. We put together a bag with fingerpaint (same ones they got and a doll for her kids (a year older than mine are) and a tin of tea for her. We also gave her a small dreidal and directions (thank God for the internet) on how to play. They were proud to see her open it. The visit went well too, she is talking about signing adoption paperwork next month so it can be filed in early February!! Hurray!

Day 1

December 5th, 2007 at 06:45 pm

We are celebrating Hanukkah this year instead of Christmas because that is what Jesus celebrated and because we want to stress the gift of Jesus dying for us more than when he was born. So far not so good. Last night we explained the story (to a 4 and 2 year old) and looked at our new Menorah. Of course the candles that I was promised would be here aren't yet. I may leave my first negative feedback on ebay because of it. We lit a different candle. Then we each opened a small present. They each got a set of color wonder fingerpaints (and proceeded to paint a bunch of them) while DH got "yellow arrows" (a waymarking itme he wanted) and I got some stamping stuff. We explained tha twe are giving them a gift because all of God's miracles are a gift to us. This morning we had a special breakfast, chocolate donuts, (that are never in the house usually) and we put up a "candle" in our cardboard menorah (one for each) Wow behind the candle was a small piece of chocolate wrapped in gold. The kids were thrilled. After schoolwork we made our first Hanukkah decoration. I wrote Happy Hanukkah and drew a 6 pointed star on a piece of cardboard with glitter glue while they colored and cut out (I moved the paper for the 2 year old) stars that we decorated with more glitter glue. When they dry we are going to hang the stars from the sign and put it up. We also delivered a present to the first of 8 people we chose to be our "Hanukkah present people."

We know we arent' following th eactual traditions perfectly but we are combining some of them while we build new ones and try to stress the family fun rather than the gifts. Tonight we plan on playing the dreidal game, so I'll blog about that tomorrow.

And we're off

November 2nd, 2007 at 02:05 pm

Chicago tonight and then a plane tomorrow. I am impressed, my 4 yr old went to get dressed this morning and then called down to me and asked what the weather would be like where we are going before he decided what to wear.

Am I awake again or still?

October 28th, 2007 at 05:32 pm

My 4 yr old is awesome. He not only wakes up when he has to throw up, he makes it to the bathroom to do it appropriately. It was a long long night for both of us but at least I wasn't washing sheets all night too! I felt so bad for him. No fever, just stomach and later intestinal upset. He's still in bed listening to cds and "resting" Very much not like my little active one. He is keeping things down now so I have to rehydrate. For once his little sister decided to go with Daddy without a big "want mummy "screaming fuss first. So it is quiet here and I don't like it!!! This morning my DH got up with DD2 so I could sleep and just as I got back to sleep called my cell to see what to give her for breakfast... Sleep is for the weak and sickly, both of which I will be when I have time!

Back to GA

October 27th, 2007 at 07:22 pm

It has been hectic with a new 2 year old and a jealous 4 year old. I am on my way this week to GA to help my daughter in law when she has surgery. My son has been sent to Iraq (all prayers wanted and gratefully accepted). When I am down there I will have three sets of "twins" One set is 15, one is 4 an done is 2 plus of course one invalid. The oly time that will change is when she is actually in the hospital, then I will have an extra 3 year old as well since the woman driving her needs to drop him off also. Should be really rocking and rolling for awhile. I am packing lots of craft ideas and paper projects to do while we are there!! Thanks God it is warm there and they can all play outside! This isn't a complaint actually I am looking forward to seeing all of them just concerned about my patience levels and when I will get laundry done and dinner cooked!! The plane trip down with my 2 has me a little 'whelmed as well!


October 8th, 2007 at 04:29 pm

They do still happen. As I type this my DS2 is using his computer and his DS2 is playing with her kitchen stuff. It is the first time in recent memory that I am alone to do something unemcumbered. Not that I object to their "help" right now I miss it but it is nice to type without a little hand hitting other keys and another one whining at my side. I like this once in awhile. We played a game of Candyland Bingo today together. It was really fun to see her play her first game. Shortlived as it was the miracle is over and now I have to go help on the computer! I am glad they still need me.

To sell or not to sell That is the Question!

October 5th, 2007 at 09:39 pm

My DH and I are trying to decide if we want to sell our house (poor market right now and the main business in town just got sold so there will be a bunch of people laid off and maybe leaving.) or rent. Renting is riskier but at least we have a place to live while he job hunts. If it sold before he finds a job east then we'd have to rent and we have pets. Not sure what is best yet but we'll pray about it.

And the roller Coaster goes on!

September 21st, 2007 at 02:07 pm

Well, My DH called me this morning (and woke up our DS2)to tell me the company he works for has been sold. Never a dull moment!

I have been figuring where we could economize ever since. He is at a big meeting to figure out what the next step is. He works for a large company and is at the most profitable branch so we are hopeful that there will be time that things just continue as they are but I am wondering if we should have bought the house or not. This is a pretty depressed area already and if they close that place it will become a ghost town!

Sale over

September 10th, 2007 at 09:24 pm

We had a rainy second day and a slow third day but we made a couple hundred and met our goal of getting a climbing wall for the swing set in the back. With our little one in a leg brace it is vital to her development so we were please to be able to purchase it. DS2 sold twizzlers for 10 cents apiece. He grossed $9.00 and i donated the twizzlers. He went to a discount store and bought dog food for the local shelter. I was really proud of him. Needless to say a lot of people gave him extra money to go to the cause. He learned something and it took some of the sting out of playgroup not making it cause of illness.

Today we finally were able to get the brace fixed. Now we have to find shoes. The only ones we have managed to find are tennis type shoes that cost 107.00 dollars. She of course needs special socks too at $15.00 each. Thank God the brace was covered under insurance! The shoes are special order and won't be here till next week. I don't think there is a frugal way to do this!

Garage Sale day

September 6th, 2007 at 10:50 pm

As in selling not buying. I like it better that way. This is my first sale in this house but my 3rd year in a row to have a sale. I had the driveway lined on either side to two car lengths and each side of a 1 1/2 car (set lengthwise) garage lined with stuff. The sale was from 8 to 4 Thursday through Saturday. I had someone buy the treadmill yesterday and sold alot of stuff today. I also had stuff ofr the church to sell. We are trying to buy Bibles for an afterschool program we run. WE need 30 and they sell for $ 15.00. So far I sold enough of their stuff to buy 2 and 9 people have pledged to buy one as well. We start the program on the 19th so we have time. I hope to sell most of the rest over the next two days. Tomorrow DS2 is going to turn entrepeneur. He is going to sell liquid refreshment. i haven't decided what yet but something. His play group is thinking of coming back and selling cookies too.

long day

August 24th, 2007 at 11:46 pm

We had an appointment with our youngest's ortho today. big brother went along and was an invaluable help. He let the doctor manipulate his leg so our little one not only wasn't afraid but couldn't wait for her "turn". He did that at the place we went for her thumb brace too. Couldn't at the casting place for the brace but stuck close to reassure and watch. I was so proud of him. The receptionist at the brace place told us that she was adopted as well which was cool to hear. Our little one is talking up a storm right now. It is fun to see her bloom. She is so attached right now that if I get out of the car to run in while her Dad stays she cries for me. I have to be gone for a couple hours tonight and three of the family aren't looking forward to it!!!


August 19th, 2007 at 03:12 am

That was my gas bill last month!! I was pleased of course but now have a problem. My bank won't cut a check for under $1.00. So I guess I overpay them or else try to figure out where they are and go pay in person. I will look back at this fondly when it is January or February I am sure.


August 19th, 2007 at 03:11 am

I've had kids become a sibling by the advent of a baby and now by the addition of another toddler. Baby is easier! Then they vie for Mommy's attention but when the child is already able to walk and reach they vie for the toys as well. DS2 is trying he really is but it is hard now that everything is shared. Today was a good day as was yesterday so maybe we are on the upswing. I am trying to appeal to his "I'm older I get to do more things" concept a bit more. She however is now bonded enough that if he is in my lap she wants to be there as well. Maybe it's a good thing I haven't lost that extra 40 pounds!!

Owl Eyes

August 17th, 2007 at 02:52 am

My DS2 ran a car under his kid sized stove and went for another one. I told him to get that one out and asked if he could see it. He said no I don't have "owl eyes". When I stopped laughing I got him a flashlight.

He misbehavied and I took his favorite toy ransom because of it. He asked me for another chance. He'd had two already so I said no.. He told me but we are supposed to forgive. I was delighted he knew that but quickly added the rest of the lesson, forgiveness doesn't mean we don't pay the consequences of our actions. He didnt' like that. I love seeing his mind work.

Time Off

August 15th, 2007 at 10:06 pm

Not vacation time but time when I couldn't access the internet. I was using a "tether" to connect my phone to my computer and get online that way. It meant where ever I was there was the internet. Now I am not internet happy enough to want that but my DH used it so he could dial in when on call anywhere in the state the pager would go off. Thus he could geocache even more! The other perk was that it was half the price of the local cable company. DH insisted on getting another phone so I wouldn't be without when he had it out and about, which cost us about $170 less a 100 dollar rebate. It also cost 10 bucks a month to add a phone to our account. So all was well for a whole week. WE cancelled our cable internet and were congratulating ourselves on getting a better deal (we'd have to keep it four months to make the money back on the phone but no big deal) Then week two dawned and we couldn't connect. We had purchased another computer in the meantime so figured it was our fault. I set up the old one upstairs and still couldn't get online. Then we discovered DH's laptop no longer could access work through the tether. WE returned to our local dealer to discover that no one in the midwest can tether right now and it may not be fixed for 3 weeks (or so) They reassured me that it was a priority for my cell phone carrier to fix the problem. In the meantime we couldn't get to our bank (money) or anything. So we returned the phone (credit still hasn't shown up, why does it take so long to see a credit when they take my money right away!) and we requested a return of th emoney we'd spent to tether. They gave everything back except the charge to add another phone line. Lesson learned and we went back to the cable company for a quick start kit, after all it had only been 2 weeks since we were with them. Two kits later (they thought it might be the modem having a problem) and several days I was again tearing my hair out. No wonder I'm grey (ok, not right now but that's beside the point) It took so long that they sent someone out twice, the first guy went to south instead of north and couldn't dial a phone right. and credited me with a month and gave me a cheaper rate for two months. While I appreciate it I am just glad to be able to check my account daily again. It was scary cause I had written a big check for the roof and wasn't sure what was left!

Waking Up Early

August 4th, 2007 at 05:59 pm

This was a wonderful morning. I woke up with two kids in the house again. We have to return one a bit later today but we get her back for good on Monday. This morning the first thing my DS2 said was, "Mommy, I don't want to return her today, can't we keep her?

I know just how he feels!

Another goal update!

August 4th, 2007 at 05:57 pm

I decided it was time to see what goals are still to go this year. I will do the same things I did last time, copy the last blog and delete what has been done to see where we still need to go.

4. Pay off the medical bills from January 2006 (that will take alot.) Right now we pay 50 a month on 4 bills. At this rate if I add what I was paying to the next payment I will accomplish this.

(Still have these, but am working steadily on them)

Concrete Health

2. Continue to only have one can of soda a week and several bottles of water a day

I am closer to this than I was so I'll keep going.

5. Lose weight, about 40 #

7. Walk somewhere every week increasing to 3 times a week.

I have done this sometimes and expect to do more now that we have a little one who needs the exercise.

Concrete Personal:

4. Lose weight (40 # or so)Figured it was worth repeating!!

7. Become more organized and efficient.

Concrete Parenting:

2. Help DS2 learn to share better and be polite.

4. Have a more organized plan with more variety in his school work

5. Instill a love for nature and God's creation in our children.

6. Teach them good nutrician habits and exercise.

7. Teach them good money management skills.

Concrete goals House:

1. Make all curtains for the house

3. Decorate walls upstairs

5. Make the yard and driveway less of a swamp.

6. Put up a backyard play set.

It is in the driveway, just need to move the rest of the sod.

7. Fence the backyard so the dog can run free. Probably not till next year but we are considering an electric fence.

Now for the wish list!!!

3. Make everything fresh or from scratch

4. Sew something for each person on my Christmas list. (In Progress)

5. Finish my thesis and last course and get my Masters of Divinity. (In Progress)

6. Go on a family missions trip. (Have to wait until youngest child is 6)

7. Keep the house neat and clean. (No Comment)


July 25th, 2007 at 04:14 pm

Had the inspection to be liscensed for another 2 years as a "adoptive home" and passed with flying colors. Now we have to wait which isn't my best attribute. Ah well .

The Big Day

July 25th, 2007 at 04:12 pm

Tomorrow is a big day at our house. My "little" one turns 4!! He is excited. His birthday party will be on Sunday but we will have playgroup tomorrow and do lots of fun things then. The theme this year is space. We tested the rocket activity today and it works great. You make them out of film canisters, toilet paper tubes and an alka seltzer tablet. It really flies the right amount for a little one to do. We also are making can coolers (for water bottle, no soda at this age) and playing pin the comet to the solar system! For food we're having "moon" pizzas (make your own) and rocket pops with cake. I bought "rockets" at the dollar store that you squeeze in water and then throw so we are going to play "splashdown" They were two for a buck so the kids can take one home as favors. I splurged on the treat boxes although I probably could have figured out how to make them myself. They look like the space shuttle. We filled them cheap though so it wasn't too bad.

paypal money

July 24th, 2007 at 04:04 pm

I have sold several things lately on ebay and as a result have built up a couple hundred in my paypal account. I am not in the market for anything on ebay so haven't used any of it. We are considering buying a laptop for the house and may bid on ebay for one to use up the money instead of some savings.

still waiting

July 23rd, 2007 at 04:15 pm

Tomorrow we get to meet our 2nd daughter. I am so excited and so apprehensive. I hope she is as incredible as our oldest daughter but of course don't want to make comparisons. I am so hoping I don't make the same mistakes. I'm sure I'll make some different ones, I just hope I don't compound them!! Tomorrow we face the hardest part of all of this. We get to meet her, hold her, play with her and then leave. It is so hard to watch your child go off with someone else. Hopefully we will find out when she can be ours for good. I fear it won't be until the 7th when the parents have their court date to sign release papers. In the meantime we are trying to get ready frugally. The ladies at church offered to have a shower for us so I need to register. We bought patio furniture yesterday. It was on sale for 50% off. We got a marble table (top) that has a fire pit in it. You can't cook over it but it will be much safer than a pit in the ground when the kids are this little. It comes with 4 nice sized chairs that rock. We are big people and the chairs are a nice fit which is probably why they were still there! They would dwarf most people. The set was $750.00 reduced to $349.00. We have been pricing the stuff but haven't seen anything worth the scads of money they want for it. This set we really like so it is worth the 350. i wouldn't pay full price for it but then I am cheap. Anyway it will be nice to have a place to sit when the kids are playing outside.

Ah well, back to child proofing the house before our inspection!

It's a girl

July 19th, 2007 at 01:41 pm

We had an awesome phone call yesterday. Our case worker called and we are going to be allowed to adopt a little girl almost 2 years old. We meet her on Tuesday and can hardly wait. This will be our second adoption and probably the last. I am soooo looking forward to this. I know it will be hard but so was the first one and for that matter the two biological kids as well. God is so good to allow this.

Honesty is still the best policy

July 14th, 2007 at 02:19 pm

We recently had to deal with an "act of God" according to our insurance company. WE had a hail storm. The adjuster came out and ignored what we told him of prior damage. The check came with our name and the mortgage companies names on it and we sent it off to be endorsed. They wrote back that we had to send a copy of the adjusters report, a home owners report, a signed contract with a contractor for all the work, and a signed statement that the work is done (by the contractor) and arrange for periodic inspections. I never intend to have all the work done the adjuster said was necessary (and several contractors since have said isn't) so I had a problem with what do they do with the rest of the money? We're talking several thousand dollars here. I called the insurance company and asked them to reconsider the damage with me telling them what should be done and thus saving them money. They refused and said we could repair the part we wanted and keep the rest. She told me that while she knew I wouldn't do it we could just lie to the mortgage company and they would release the money. I called our mortgage agent who said the mortgage company should release all of the funds or apply the balance to the mortgage. I'd prefer the former but at least I knew where the money would be going. Then he told me they might just require that all the work be done. He then told me to find a contractor who would lie for me. I called the mortgage company and explained about prior damage and that I didn't want shutters and..... The girl listened then looked up my account and said oh we endorsed the check and sent it back this morning you can do whatever you want with the money. We had been praying that the Lord would release those funds so that we could have the actual damage repaired and use the rest of the money to help us afford an overseas adoption if the local thing doesn't work out. I believe God Blessed us because we were honest.

breathing is not over rated!

July 12th, 2007 at 04:01 pm

Believe me I am hoving enough trouble doing it consistently so I know. I am sleeping sitting up and only have a love seat to do it on (I'm over 6 ft tall) and even that is better than trying to lie down. The coughing fits are not pretty. Most people cringe when around. I am almost drowning out my DH coughing (he's been doing it since May) I hope they figure out a way to cure the two of us real soon.

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